Notes from Easter 2020 – “Once and for All’


Who needs help? Who needs hope? Who needs a second chance? Where can I get answers?

All are questions that have been with man since the beginning. It’s the deeper things of God that sustain us. So then why don’t we spend more time studying the deep word of God?

There might be no more New Testament book in the Old Testmanet book than Levicicus. It’s two themes are atonement and holiness. Those words are ignored as we try to live our lives the way we want to live them. Yet, our lives are not our own.

The world pays little attention to God, until He makes us pay attention. 

The Bible is the written word, and Jesus is the living word. 

Atonement is a most gracious word that every human being needs to understand.

God takes life seriously, an the life of man is found in the blood. Atonement is taken from a word that means ransom. It means to cover our sins. It means to forgive, to forgive our sins. It means everything Jesus did for us on the cross. 

There are only two religions. One which is figs leaves – the religion of works. The second one is Jesus’ perfect provision. A beautiful gift from God. 

The sinner takes this blood, this life, in His hands, and presents it to God as his plea.

God knew the real price for our sin. The sacrifices in the Old Testament did not actually remove sin. The Levitical offerings covered sins until Christ came as the perfect sacrifice to remove all the sins of the world. It was just a cover up until Jesus paid the price for real. Yet, people handly think twice before they sin. When is the last time you thought before you sinned “This is an offense before God.” 

We don’t have anywhere to go. We have no excuse to not stop, and think about what we are doing. COVID-19 is a chance for us to evaluate what really matters. The atonement teaches, that God has you covered. This should be great news to us.

Then there is holiness. God wants this from us. He wants the world to see His people. “Be holy’ is found at least twenty times in Leviticus. He wants us to “be holy, as I am holy”

Holiness when applied to God denotes Ewing separated from every worldly and wrong thing. Holiness when applied to man points to a life of purity ad obedience to God. Those who we redeemed by his precious blood are to live a holy life. What can we do about it? Read the word. Put it in us, so that it can pop out. 

Live like you take God seriously. Live like you know what He rescued you from!

It is by your faith that you have hope in God; and this is a hope that does not disappoint.

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